Introducing: Reputation Score

Reputation Score: Showcasing Your Skills and Earning Customer Trust

At Go Carrera, we understand that becoming a top-notch flooring installer involves more than just technical expertise. Soft skills like professionalism, punctuality, and communication are equally important in earning customer trust and building a reputable business. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new “Reputation Score” feature, designed to help installers who may not have extensive training or years of experience still showcase their reliability and quality of work.

The “Reputation Score” is based on references provided by the installer, who answer a comprehensive set of 18 questions about the installer’s performance and the specific job they completed. These questions cover aspects such as the installer’s professionalism, punctuality, trustworthiness, honesty, and the quality of their work. Unlike the Hammer Rating, which quantifies an installer’s hands-on and classroom training, the Reputation Score focuses on these vital soft skills. This score provides customers with a well-rounded view of an installer’s capabilities, giving them peace of mind when hiring someone who might be newer to the industry but still highly reliable and professional.

For new installers, the Reputation Score offers a fantastic opportunity to gain credibility and compete for jobs even if they lack extensive formal education or years of experience. By providing just 3-5 references when signing up on our app, they can quickly obtain a Reputation Score that reflects their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. Early feedback from our community has been overwhelmingly positive, with many new installers excited about having an additional metric to support their Hammer Rating. This dual scoring system ensures that all installers, regardless of their background, have the chance to demonstrate their value and secure quality jobs as they continue to grow in their craft.

Download the latest version of the app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Don’t have an account yet? Download the app and sign up today for your FREE Installer profile. Start doing business on your terms.

Questions about Subscriptions? Contact us to learn more.