Direct Invoices
Accept card payments anywhere and from anyone. No Work Order required.
At Go Carrera, we’re dedicated to improving the life of the installer with a powerful, ever-expanding suite of digital tools to help you run business better. Everything from giving you an equal seat at the table during Work Order pricing negotiations or empowering you with construction-level accounting practices that are both enjoyable and mutually accountable.
Have you ever lost a project because you didn't accept credit cards?
Never miss out on work again with Go Carrera's Direct Invoicing.
We understand that your customers and prospects want to pay how they want to pay. Importantly, they want a safe and reliable way to pay, too. Meeting customers where they are lets you focus less on the mechanics of doing business and more on doing great work and honing your craft.

How does it work?
Build an Invoice. Customer pays. EZPZ.
Under your existing INVOICES tab, you’ll find two sections: Work Order Invoices and Direct Invoices. Under Work Order Invoices, you’ll find the Invoices view you’re used to—all your Work Order invoices grouped by their status. Tapping Direct Invoices, however, you’ll find a new set of features that allow you to create an invoice without having been awarded a Work Order first. Create customers and send them invoices. These invoices are great for residential projects or any other time where you don’t directly have a Work Order or want to be able to accept a card payment.
Once you create an Direct Invoice, you Customer will receive an email with the invoice as well as a link to a payment form they can use to pay. You can now accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express from your Customers. 🎉
How do I enable Direct Invoices?
It's easy to start creating customers and sending invoices.
Access to Direct Invoices is included with your completed profile in Go Carrera. Additionally, we’ve kept a similar pricing model to Work Order Invoices you may have received from Go Carrera-licensed Flooring Contractors. We get paid when you get paid.
Access our complete Direct Invoicing system with simple, pay-as-you-go pricing.
Just 4%
per settled invoice.
- Everything you need to get started
- No setup fees, monthly fees, or hidden fees
- Access to new features along the way

Note: In the financial system, it costs money to move money. Credit card payments, due to their speed and many consumer safety measures and benefits (like credit, points, chargebacks, and the like) simply cost more than traditional bank payments. However, with our flat, per-transaction pricing structure, you can count on knowing exactly what you’re going to pay with each and every Direct Invoice.
"How to handle Cost of Doing Business"
It’s typical to build Cost of Doing Business (sometimes referred to as CODB) into your overall pricing (not necessarily shown directly on the invoice itself) so you can NET what you want out of the project.
Here’s a quick example:
$3,000 (desired net)
÷ 0.96 (CODB factor)
= $3,125 (invoice amount)
The 0.96 is derived from the 4% CODB (1.00 – 0.04 = 0.96). When you divide by that result, you get the target invoice amount that you should aim for with your Customer to end up with the correct net amount. Try it out on your next invoice! 💯
When you deliver a high-level experience to your customer, the additional amount will in most cases go unnoticed—leaving them with a professionally installed-project and a top-notch service experience that brings true value. It’s a win-win.
Why "Direct"?
"...with no one or nothing in between." (adverb)
To differentiate Invoices tied to Work Orders you received from a Go Carrera-licensed Flooring Contractor and Invoices YOU create, we dubbed the latter “Direct Invoices”. Use them as needed or whenever your customer prefers to pay by card. It’s that simple.