4-day Residential Resilient Flooring Certificate
This training is focused on providing the knowledge you need to sell and install residential resilient flooring. At the end of this 4-day course, you will be educated about topics such as:
1. The difference between felt-backed and vinyl-backed resilient flooring
2. What VCT, VAT, LVP, and LVT stand for, and the difference between those products
3. Whether to use a stripping agent or not
4. What are Patching Compounds, when to use them, and much more!
This course begins with a knowledge transfer around the resilient flooring products that are targeted for residential applications after which we will focus on helping you develop excellent customer service skills. We will also review technologies available today to streamline several steps in the residential flooring sales, measurement and installation process. This leads us to our final two days in a hands-on lab where we will cover resilient residential flooring installation training and techniques.
A written test and hands-on training are involved.
Certificates achieved with successful completion of the course and a passing score on the test.
INSTRUCTOR: Sonny Callaham
100% Tuition can be covered by the Federal and State with the FCEF covering scholarships up to $2500.00 based on approvals.